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Developing a rhythm and culture of prayer

Through prayer, we connect with God and deepen our relationship with Him. We pray for others: those who we know, our community and our world. We lift up impossible situations to Him. We seek to pray creatively and in a variety of ways, recognising that not everyone prays in the same way, and that different methods of prayer bring us closer to Him. 

A Rhythm of Prayer

As a guide, as encouraged by Sam Johnson’s sermon on New Priorities, we’d like to suggest a rhythm for us as a church:

  • In the first hour of the day, we seek to spend time with God, connecting with Him and asking for His involvement in our lives.

  • On the first day of the week we pray as a church, seeking God’s will for our community and lifting one another up in prayer.

  • On the first day of each month, we fast, aligning ourselves with God for the month ahead.

  • Each year we dedicate seasons for prayer and spend time praying together for God's kingdom to come on earth.

Daily Prayer

Morning: Read, reflect and ask

Noon: Pray The Lord's Prayer

Evening: Reflect and prepare


At certain times of the year, we devote time and space to prayer, setting up the church as a huge prayer room, from 6.30am until 9pm.

These times are usually Advent, Lent and Pentecost, but details are shared in the Weekly Mail as these change from year to year.

Our Monthly Prayer Diary

We have a monthly prayer diary which can be downloaded below. 

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